All styles of design have unique characteristics, which can make it all the harder to pinpoint exactly which style to choose when updating your home. When helping a client determine what the best overall style and design is for them, the first thing we like to do visit their home to get an overall look and feel of their space. That’s the starting point of giving and providing great guidance to the client’s overall style and design.

If you have more of a traditional home but love a more modern style, then there’s going to be a break in the flow through the overall home design if you begin choosing modern design elements. That’s why we always start there. That’s when we can help you visualize different styles for your home and inform you that even though you might like a certain design, it might not fit in the overall flow throughout your home as a whole.

We can also make a transition towards a more of a transitional design where you’re still happy with a feeling of modern, but yet it can keep the design a little bit more on the traditional side. As professional designers, we’ll keep educating you on various styles until you become happy with the overall design. That’s what we typically do when it comes to helping a client determine their best design style because there are so many, and they’re all fabulous.