If you’ve looked through our gallery, you’ve probably seen the Opti-Myst fireplace that’s part of our Vue Sarasota penthouse build-out. It was featured in the October 2020 issue of Home & Design Magazine Suncoast.

Revolutionary ultrasonic technology creates the flame and smoke effect. As the mist rises up through the logs, the light reflects against the water molecules. As a result, this creates a convincing illusion of flames and smoke. The result is an appearance so authentic it could be mistaken for a traditional wood-burning fireplace.

Talking about the fireplace in our Vue Sarasota build-out, Senior Designer Jeremy Strong additionally says, “You’ll notice the fireplace we custom-designed and built out. We used a combination of the Opti-Myst system, which is a really unique system. It uses a vapor and LED lighting to create the flames and appearance of smoke,. It’s no more than your typical water vapor.”


  • LED Flame Technology
    A blend of technology, artistry and craftsmanship, the patented LED Dimplex® flame technology creates the illusion of a true fire.

  • Opti-myst technology
    Incredibly, life-like, patented 3-dimensional flame effect. Creates an illusion of fire and smoke. The world’s most authentic fireplace experience.

  • Easy-fill water tank
    Offers 14 to 17 hours of continuous operation before refilling is required.

  • LED inner glow logs
    Patented LED inner glow logs and pulsating ember technology allow the logs and embers to glow in concert creating an unmatched realistic fireplace experience.