Houzz: A Great Starting Point

A nice tool that we like to use is Houzz. It’s a good place to start your project. It’s a great place to go for inspiration photos to help start that design conversation for your project. It gives us a good launching point to get an idea of the style that you have, what you’re expecting your space to look like, and sort out the ins and outs of those different details that you might want your space to look like.

> 3 Bathroom Remodel in San Remo Shores

Start the Design Conversation

We love using Houzz to start that design conversation and give you a good footing going into that design process and that remodeling process. As part of that resource, we have our own page, so make sure you follow Cabinets Extraordinaire on Houzz. You can create an Ideabook. You can use our inspiration photos from some of our previous projects, which is also another great tool for you to use.

Guest Post From Cabex Construction.

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