
We have a lot of new clients moving down from up north to Florida. Some of these homes that they are purchasing are older and need to be remodeled, so the question comes if it’s worth it or not to upgrade your windows as part of your renovation. They should always be a part of that renovation planning. Here are some of the benefits to upgrading.

> Illuminated Countertops

There are a few great benefits to replacing the windows in your home. One, you get benefits from your insurance company because you’ve upgraded to hurricane windows, and you have the impact rating. It’s a safety thing. You’re going to get credits on your insurance, plus you get better energy efficiency. Those new windows being double-paned, insulated glass, and impact-rated are going to give you a very high energy coefficient. Your house will stay cooler longer, your air conditioner won’t work as hard, and your electric bill will go down. On top of that, upgrades help with noise reduction. It makes the house a little more peaceful because you have that extra insulation in there. You’re going to get that added benefit

Getting new windows for your house is a great option and a great upgrade that’s going to also add value to you home. Schedule a free Design Session in our showroom with one of our Senior Designers to discuss how we can help you upgrade in your Florida home.

Guest Post From Cabex Construction.

Need New Windows?

Don’t Forget to Include Windows on Your Remodel Checklist